Monday, June 11, 2012

Independence Days

First off, this was supposed to post on Friday, but I guess I forgot to schedule it.....oops!

Well, it's been awhile since I did one of these posts, but I got bored of always writing the same thing and then in the midst of major May planting I just plumb forgot! Anyone who doesn't know what this is all about can check out my original post HERE. So here we go!

Plant something:  Replanted some basil as my little helper (Gabe) watered it too much the first time and I think they drowned :)

Harvest Something:  Rhubarb woohoo! (I love rhubarb)

Preserve Something:  Rhubarb (froze some)  Asparagus (canned some)

Waste not:  Just the usual

Want not:  Got a new canner as I somehow messed up the old one :(

Eat the Food: I've been keeping up pretty well with making my own bread and learned a new recipe for homemade granola that is really excellent.

Build Community Food Systems: not much this week

Skill Up: I offered my help and hands to a friend with a farm so I could gain some hands on knowledge.

Have a great weekend! We are off on a whirlwind trip that I'll tell you more about next week  :) 

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