Monday, December 29, 2014

Master Bedroom mini update

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas? We all had a lovely time, lots of family time and this is the first Christmas in a few years that no one's been really sick!
During my Christmas Home tour I showed a few pics of the mini makeover I did on our master bedroom, but I figured I should show a better before and after :-)
So this is where we were last time we checked in the master, I had done a bit of picture hanging and bed making...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

2014 Kozy Kabin Christmas House Tour

Welcome to my corner of blogland. For any of you who regularly stop by, thank you for doing that and I apologize for leaving you hanging from my last post. I guess I'm just not cut out for daily posting (plus truth be told i only took 3 pictures that whole weekend...oops) Anywhooooo, on to the tour!

This is definitely my favorite time of the year, I love touring around all the houses on show, seeing what creative people have done to put some extra sparkle in their homes, so enough rambling grab a cup of eggnog or hot chocolate (or my personal favorite eggnog latte!) and lets move on with the tour! 

 I have to say I'm particularly proud of that picture above (although not so proud of the orangey look of the walls, what is that?!?!)  as I found that vintage chalkboard at the thrift store! I've been dying to get one of these but they're just not in the budget this year. So I made my own :)


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